Course CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Basic (Simple) Model
Course Program
16.00-16.15: Coffee Break 16.15-16.45: Interactive Consulting
10.00-10.15: Introduction and Review 10.15-11.00: Firm Behavior: Capital and Labor Demand Equations 14.00-14.15: Coffee Break 15.15-16.00: Applications with First CGE Code 16.00-16.15: Coffee Break 16.15-16.45: Interactive Consulting
This training is designed for those who have no prior knowledge of GAMS and are new to general equilibrium theory and modeling. Theoretical knowledge will be provided alongside GAMS applications: our course combines theoretical concepts and hands-on computer work including an introduction to GAMS software. Participants will be provided with an official GAMS Release 47.0.2 license (valid for 1 week). Since CGE modeling is a difficult topic, we designed our training based on a book: "Textbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling – Programming and Simulations" by Nobuhiro Hosoe, Kenji Gasawa and Hideo Hashimoto (2015). This textbook is written for beginners and easy to understand. It explains the basic features of CGE modelling.
In this course we develop the simplest possible CGE model (Simple Model), with one household, two firms, two goods and two factors of production. Since almost all CGE models used for empirical policy analysis are extensions of this simple CGE model, it is crucial to understand how this model is constructed. The content of this course is as follows: introduction to GAMS Language, example of utility maximization in GAMS, a basic optimization model: simple coding, set operator in GAMS, basic optimization model: advanced coding with set operator, constraints and the concept of shadow price, a simple general equilibrium model: 2 Firms, 2 Goods, 1 Household, household behavior: derivation od marshallian demand equations and writing the model in GAMS, firm Behavior: derivation of capital and labor demand equations and application with GAMS, market Clearing Conditions and Walras' Law, concept of "calibration", writing the first CGE Code in GAMS (Simple CGE Model), applications with First CGE Code (Simple CGE Model). Note that at the end of the training, 10-minute interactive-consulting sessions will be provided for students who are interested.
Date: 9-10 November 2024
CGE Course 1Date: 9-10 November 2024
CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Basic (Simple) Model
CGE Course 2Date: will be announcedCGE2. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Standard Model
CGE Course 3Date: will be announced
CGE3. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Simulations with the Standard Model
CGE Course 4Date: will be announced
CGE4. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Two-Country & Different Market Structures
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