- Associate Professorship in Economics (Microeconomics) – April 2011, Turkey.
- PhD in Economics – 2006, Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- MSc in Natural Resource Economics – 2001, Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM) - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (IAM.M), Montpellier, France.
- MSc in Economics – 2000, Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- Thesis Title: Use of Biophysical Models in Agricultural Economics: CropSyst.
- Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Haluk Kasnakoglu.
- BSc in Economics – 1997, Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- High School – 1992, Ankara Anadolu Lisesi (Education in French, 1 year Preparation Class in French), Ankara, Turkey.
- Economic Modeling and Mathematical Programming (Economic Simulation Methods)
- Agricultural Sector Models
- Computable General Equilibrium Models (CGE Models)
- Global Trade Models
- Impacts of Turkey’s EU Accession, Customs Union, Impacts of Trade Liberalization, Economic Impacts of WTO Scenarios.
- Bio-economic Models
- Agricultural programming and simulation.
- Econometrics
- Panel Data Econometrics
- Time Series Econometrics
- Maximum Entropy Econometrics
- Economic Growth
- Financial Econometrics
- Health Economics
- Microeconomics
- 2024 (January) – present Reporter and Trainer, in “Sector Analysis of Automobile Sector of Türkiye”, Competition Authority of Türkiye.
- 2017 (July) – 2018 (April): Consultant (Senior Agricultural Trade Economist) to Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in “Mapping Agribusiness Support Measures towards Improved Sector Competitiveness in Turkey – Phase II” project financed by EBRD. https://bit.ly/2BQI2K2
- 2017-2018: Consultant, Project of Integrated Resource Efficiency in Agriculture and Agro-based Industries in the Southeast Anatolia Region Project, GAP BKİ (Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration) and UNDP, Ankara. https://bit.ly/2SrbXy3
- 2015 (June) – 2016 (March): Consultant, “Challenges and Opportunities for Development of the Agriculture and Food Sector in Turkey and Trends in Agricultural Productivity”, Consultant report prepared for the OECD. https://bit.ly/2Ev5luz
- OECD (2016), Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Turkey, OECD Food and Agricultural Reviews, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- 2015 (September) – 2017 (January): Project Coordinator, in “Malatya Agricultural Master Plan Project” (Malatya Tarım Master Planı Projesi), Metropolitan Municipality of Malatya (T.C. Malatya Büyükşehir Belediyesi), Project Contractor Firm: DAPA Ltd., Ankara, Turkey.
- 2009 – 2011: Researcher, in “SUSTAINMED: Sustainable Agri-food Systems and Rural Development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries Project”, EU-FP7, Policy Oriented Research Project, Akdeniz University, Ankara, Turkey.
- 2009 – 2010: Researcher, in “CAPRI-RD: Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact - The Rural Development Dimension”, EU-FP7 (2009-2013) Policy Oriented Research Project, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- 2011 (January) – 2011 (August): Researcher, in “Market Structure of Turkish Banking System, Firm Behavior and Competition Analysis Project” of the Banks Association of Turkey [Türkiye Bankalar Birliği, TBB], Ankara, Turkey.
- 2010 (December) – 2011 (September): Project Coordinator, in Samsun Agricultural Master Plan Project (Samsun Tarım Master Planı Projesi). Project of Samsun Governorship [Samsun Valiliği], Project Contractor Firm: DAPA Ltd., Ankara, Turkey.
- 2007 (September) – 2008 (January): Researcher, in “SCENES Project”, EU-FP6, Policy Oriented Research Project, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- 2005 (March) – 2006 (November): Researcher, in “Impacts of Agricultural Trade Liberalization between the EU and Mediterranean Countries (EU-MED AGPOL)”, EU-FP6, Policy Oriented Research Project, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey.
- 2004 (July 25 – September 25): Consultant in FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Statistics Division of FAO, Rome, Italy.
- 2001 (September – October): Junior Consultant, “Environmental & Social Impact Assessment” for Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Petroleum Pipeline Project, British Petroleum (BP), Kahramanmaras & Adana, Turkey.
- 2001: Researcher, Time Use and Production in Ankara Rural Areas, METU , BAP Project, ODTÜ AFP-2001-04-03-02
- 2000: Researcher, Use of Bioeconomic Models in Agricultural Economics, METU, BAP Project, ODTÜ AFP-2000-04-03-05.
- Narin, M., Tokatlıoğlu, İ., Öztürk, F., Çermikli, & H. O. Eruygur, (2015) Advanced Microeconomics, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Coşkun, N., Ardor, H. N., Çermikli, H., Eruygur, H. O., Öztürk, F., Tokatlıoğlu, İ., Aykaç, G., ve Dağlaroğlu, T., (2011) Market Structure of Turkish Banking System, Firm Behavior and Competition Analysis, publication of the Banks Association of Turkey, Istanbul.
- Eruygur, H. O., Özcan, Ü., Pusatlı, T., Akçagün, P., Kaya, O., Arabacı, S., et al. (2011) Agricultural Master Plan of Samsun District, Samsun, Turkey.
Available at: https://bit.ly/2VkUBV8
- Baysan, I., Suluk, S., Eruygur, H. O. (2022) The Relationship Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Migration: A Study for the World and Turkey, Chapter 1, in The Pandemic and the Turkish Economy, Editors: Harun Yakisik, Hülya Ünlü, pp.15-39, Liberte Yayinevi.
- Eruygur, H. O, Özçelik, E., and Taymaz, E. (2007), Customs Union and Impacts on Turkish Industry, Chapter 2: International Competition in Textile and Ready Wear Industries, TEPAV, Ankara, Turkey.
- Eruygur, H. O. and E. H. Çakmak (2006), Causes and Impacts of Agricultural Structures: Chapter 14, Analysis of EU membership of Turkey on Turkish agriculture: A Sector Model Approach with Maximum Entropy, Edit. Stefan Mann, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, ABD.
- Çakmak, E. H., and H. O. Eruygur (2006), Agriculture, Fishery, Food and Sustainable Rural Development in the Mediterranean Region: Chapter 6, Cereals and Related Policies in Turkey, Direc. Hervieu Bertrand, CIHEAM Publishing, Paris, France.
- Eruygur, O. & Ozokcu, (2016) Impacts of Climate Change on Wheat Yield in Turkey: A Heterogeneous Panel Study, Ekonomik Yaklasim, 27 (101), pp.219-255. doi:10.5455/ey.35944. [EconLit indexed]
- Eruygur, O., Kıymaz, T. & Kuçuker, M. C. (2016) Competitiveness and Total Factor Productivity in Turkish Agriculture, Ekonomik Yaklasim, 27 (100), pp.237-274. doi:10.5455/ey.35960. [EconLit indexed]
- Çakmak, E. H. , Dudu, H., Eruygur, O., Ger, M., Onurlu, S., & Tonguc, Ö. (2013) “Participatory Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Analysis to Evaluate the Future of Water in the Seyhan Basin”, Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol:4, No:2, pp.131-145. doi:10.2166/wcc.2013.029. [SCI Expanded, 2012 Impact Factor: 1.00]
- Çakmak, E., and Eruygur, H.O., (2008), Food, Rural, Agricultural and Fisheries Policies in Turkey, Options Méditerranéennes, Série B. Etudes et Recherches; no. 61, pp. 165-206.
- Eruygur, H. O., (2008) Common Agricultural Tariff of EU and Turkey: Trade Impacts on Third Countries, Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, Vol.265, pp.17-33.
- Eruygur, H. O., and Çakmak, E.H., (2007), “Impacts of EU Membership on Turkish Agriculture”, Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, vol.259, pp.5-17.
- Eruygur, H. O., Özçelik E., and Taymaz, E., (2004), “International Competition in Textile and Ready Wear Industries”, Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, vol.217, pp.5-23.
- Ersin, M., Eruygur, H. O., ve Tokatlıoğlu, İ. (2021) The Relationship between Regulation and Market Structure in the Turkish Banking Sector: Panel Data AMG Analysis, Isletme Arastirmalari Dergisi, 13(3), pp.2571-2586.
- Saki, M. ve Eruygur, H.O., (2021) Customs Union and Agricultural Products: An Armington Model Analysis on Turkey, Fiscaoeconomia, Volume 5, Issue 1, 177-194, doi: 10.25295/fsecon.755447.
- Ersin, M., Tokatlıoğlu, İ., ve Eruygur, H. O., (2020) Regulations in the Banking Sector and Turkish Banking Sector Regulation Index for the 2000-2018 Period, Bankacilik ve Finansal Arastirmalar Dergisi, 2148-4090, 7, 2, 60-80.
- Bektaş, V., & Eruygur, H. O. (2018) Impacts of Agricultural Trade Liberalization between EU and Mediterranean Countries on Turkish Agricultural Trade: An Armington Model, Gazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Vol:20, Issue:1, pp.153-172.
- Yıldırım, J., Öcal, N., Eruygur, H. O., ve Yılmaz, E., (2011) Modeling of Performance Payment System in Turkish Health Sector, Saglik Dusuncesi ve Tip Kulturu Dergisi, 19, pp.52-55.
- Erdil, E., Eruygur, H. O. and Z. Kasnakoglu (2006), “Time Use in Rural Areas”, Working Paper No. ERC 06-02, ERC (Economic Research Center), METU.
- Eruygur, H. O., (2003), “The Skill Biased Technological Change in Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, MPRA Paper No. 12460.
- Çakmak, E. H., Dudu, H., Eruygur, H. O., ve Aldan M. C., (2011) “Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact - The Rural Development Dimension”, funded by EU-FP7, Policy Oriented Research Project CAPRI-RD, Deliverable D2.3.3: Improving National and Regional Time Series Database for Turkey.
- Çakmak, E. H., Dudu, H., Eruygur, H. O., Tonguç, Ö., ve Aldan M. C., (2010) “Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact - The Rural Development Dimension”, funded by EU-FP7, Policy Oriented Research Project CAPRI-RD, Deliverable D2.3.2: Regional and National Data Sources Available for Turkey.
- Çakmak, E., Dudu, H., Eruygur, H. O., Tonguç, Ö., (2009), “Water Scenarios for Europe and for Neighbouring States” funded by EU-FP6, Policy Oriented Research Project SCENES, Technological Development and Demonstration Deliverable: Enriched Sets of Drivers, Storylines and Conceptual Models at the Regional and Pilot Area Levels: Seyhan Pilot Area Turkey.
- Çakmak E. H., Eruygur, H. O., and Dudu, H. (2006) “Turkish Production and Export Potential for Fruits, Vegetables, Olive Oil, and Processed Foods An Expert Panel Analysis”, funded by EU-FP6, Policy Oriented Research Project EUMED-AGPOL, Deliverable 17.
- Eruygur, H. O. (2011), Sufficiency Ratio as an Indicator of Competitiveness, paper presented in Ekonomik Yaklasim Kongreler Dizisi VII, Türkiye Ekonomisinin Dinamikleri: Politika Arayışları, Ankara, Turkey, December 22-23.
- Çakmak, E. H., Dudu, H., Eruygur, H. O., Ger, M., Onurlu, S., and Tonguc, O., (2010), “Visions for the Future of Water in Seyhan Basin, Turkey: A Backcasting Application”, paper presented in International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Modelling for Environment's Sake, eds. David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 5-8.
- Dudu, H., and Eruygur, H. O., (2009), “Bank Efficiency and the Market Structure: An Analysis for Turkey”, paper presented in EconAnadolu 2009 International Conference, Eskişehir, Turkey, June 17-19.
- Yıldırım,, Öcal, N., Eruygur, H. O., Yılmaz, E. and Güler, H., (2009), “Mathematical Modeling of Performance Payment System in Turkish Health Sector", paper presented in First International Congress of Performance and Quality in Health, Antalya, Turkey, March 19-21.
- Eruygur, H. O., and Çakmak, E. H., (2008), "EU Integration of Turkey: Implications for Turkish Agriculture", paper presented (paper number: 44213) in 12. International Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Ghent, Begium, August 26-29.
- Çakmak, E. H., and H. O. Eruygur (2007), “Impact of the Increase in Irrigated Land on Turkish Agriculture: A Sector Model Approach”, paper presented in The Third International Capacity Building Program on Participatory Irrigation Management (INPIM , DSI and World Bank Institute), Gümüldür, İzmir, Turkey, November 21-30.
- Erdil, E., Eruygur, H. O, Kasnakoglu, Z. and A. Eruygur (2007), “Time Use in Rural Areas: A Case Study in Turkey”, paper presented in International Statistical Institute (ISI) 56th Session, Lisboa, Portugal, August 22-29.
- Eruygur, H. O., and E. H. Çakmak (2006), “Impacts of Turkey’s EU membership on Turkish Agriculture: A Sector Model Analysis”, paper presented in International Conference on Economics of Turkish Economic Association, ICE-TEA, Sheraton, Ankara, Turkey, September 11-13.
- Çorakcı, A., and H. O. Eruygur (2006), "The Role of Agricultural Sector in the Turkish Economy: A VAR Approach”, paper presented in International Conference on Economics of Turkish Economic Association, ICE-TEA, Sheraton, Ankara, Turkey, September 11-13.
- Eruygur, H. O., and E. H. Çakmak (2006), "Potential Effects of EU Membership on Agricultural Production and Trade in Turkey", Paper presented at the 98th. Seminar of European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) named "Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: New Perspectives", Chania, Greece, June 29 – July 2.
- Eruygur, H. O. (2005), “A Partial Equilibrium Model for Turkish Agriculture: An Approach with Maximum Entropy”, paper presented at First Teaching Workshop on Environmental Economics for the Middle East and North Africa, Trieste - the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy, December 5-16.
- Eruygur, H. O., and E. H. Çakmak (2005), “Turkey’s Imports of Agricultural Products and EU: An Empirical Assessment of Membership”, paper presented at the conference of “The Channels of European Integration”, Warsaw, Poland, October 7-8.
- Eruygur, H. O. (2005), “The Impact of EU Membership on Agriculture in Turkey”, paper presented at the Workshop of “European PhD Workshop on Economics and Social Sciences Research in Food, Agriculture, Environment and Development”, Wageningen, Holland, September 22-23.
- Eruygur, H. O. (2005), “Testing Armington Trade Model: An Empirical Analysis For Turkey”, Paper presented at the International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey, June 16-19.
- Eruygur, H. O., and E. H. Çakmak (2005), "Trade Implications of Extending Turkey-EU Customs Union to Agricultural Products", Paper presented at the Conference of "Middle East and North African Economies: Past Perspectives and Future Challenges" (Published at Conference Proceedings CD of ECOMOD-MENA), Brussels, Belgium, June 2-4.
- Eruygur, H. O. (2005), “Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) Estimator: Formulation and A Monte Carlo Study”, paper presented at the VII. National Symposium on Econometrics and Statistics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 26-27. (Published in “Journal of Econometrics and Statistics” of Istanbul University)
- Workshop: Scenario Development: Understanding and Applying Multi-scale and Participatory Concepts and Tools, October 22-26, 2007, The C.T. de Wit Graduate School, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Holland.
- Workshop: Joint EEE-CEEPA First Training of Trainers Workshop (CGE Modeling), December 5-16, 2005, Trieste - the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy.
- Workshop: 1st Teaching Workshop on Environmental Economics for the Middle East and North Africa, December 5-16, 2005, Trieste - the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy.
- Workshop: 3rd CAPRI – Training Session 2005 (In the context of CAPRI-Dynaspat Project), November 28-30, 2005, by University Bonn, Institute for Agricultural Policy, Market Research, and Economic Sociology, Bonn, Germany.
- Workshop: MED Meeting for 2006 Annual Report, October 27, 2005, by CIHEAM (Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes), Paris, France.
- Workshop: EU-MED AGPOL (Impacts of Agricultural Trade Liberalization between the EU and Mediterranean Countries) Annual Meeting, May 9-12, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Workshop: Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Petroleum Pipeline Project: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, September 10-14, 2001, Bilkent Hotel, Ankara, Turkey.
- Workshop: Decision Support Tools and Models for Agricultural Resource Management, October 11-22, 1999, by Middle East Technical University (METU), Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)- Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (IAM.M), and European Union Commission (DG I), Ankara, Turkey.
- 2017 - Present: Chief Editor, Ekonomik Yaklasim.
- 2013 - 2015: Chief Editor, Ekonomik Yaklasim.
- 2012 - 2013: Associated Editor, Ekonomik Yaklasim.
- 2007 - 2009: Editor Consultant, Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
- Economic Modelling (SSCI)
- Empirical Economics (SSCI)
- Panoeconomicus (SSCI)
- Climate and Development (SSCI)
- Central Bank Review (JEL)
- METU Studies in Development (JEL)
- Ekonomik Yaklasim (JEL)
- Ege Akademik Bakis (JEL)
- SBF Dergisi
- Kalkınma Bakanlığı Ekonomi Çalışma Tebliğleri
- Merkez Bankası Çalışma Tebliğleri
- Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi IIBF Dergisi
- International Econometric Review
- Gazi Universitesi IIBF Dergisi
- Anadolu Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
- Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Atilim Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
- Akdeniz Universitesi IIBF Dergisi
- Summer School in Economics (EYS), Pamukkale University, 1-12 August 2022, Denizli.
- Linear Time Series Econometrics I
- Linear Time Series Econometrics II
- CBRT (Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye) Econometrics Workshops – 2017-2019, Ankara.
- Basic Econometrics, 5 days.
- Basic Econometrics with R, 5 days.
- Basic Econometrics with Stata, 5 days.
- Time Series Econometrics, 5 days.
- Time Series Econometrics with Eviews, 5 days.
- Advanced Time Series Econometrics, 5 days.
- Panel Data Econometrics with Stata, 5 days.
- Advanced Panel Data Econometrics with Stata, 5 days.
- Isbank Workshops: Econometric Analysis Techniques and Modelling Methods Training – 2022 September-2022 November, online.
- Basic Econometrics and Model Selection, 5 days.
- Basic Time Series Analysis, ARIMA Forecasting and ARCH Modelling, 5 days.
- Advanced Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Filters, 5 days.
- EconLab-WERI Econometrics Workshops – online.
- Econometrics with R
- Basic Econometric with Stata
- Time Series Analysis with Stata
- Advanced Time Series Analysis with Stata
- Panel Data Analysis with Stata
- Advanced Panel Data Analysis with Stata
- Time Series Analysis with Stata: Unit Root and Cointegration Analysis
- VAR/VECM Models and Causality Analysis with Stata
- ARIMA Forecasting and ARCH-GARCH Modelling with Stata
- ARDL Cointegration Bounds Test/Estimation and FMOLS-DOLS Estimators with Stata
- Basic Panel Data Tests and Estimators with Stata
- Dynamic Panel Data Analysis with Stata: Difference and System GMM
- Panel Unit Root, Coinetgration and Basic Heterogeneous Models iwth Stata
- Panel ARDL and Error Correction Models with Stata
- Membership Association of TURKSTAT (Türkiye's Official Statistical Institute) Econometrics Workshops – online, Ankara.
- Econometrics with R
- Basic Econometrics with Stata
- Basic Time Series Analysis with Stata
- Basic Panel Data Analysis with Stata
- AHBV, Continuing Education Center of AHBV University Econometrics Workshops, Ankara.
- Basic Econometrics with Stata
- Time Series Analysis with Stata
- Advanced Time Series Analysis with Stata
- Panel Data Analysis with Stata
- Advanced Panel Data Analysis with Stata
- ARIMA Forecasting with Eviews and Gretl
- ARCH-GARCH Modelling with Eviews and Gretl
- ARDL Cointegration BoundsTest and Estimation with Eviews and Gretl
- VAR Forecasting with Eviews and Gretl
- Summer School in Economy (EYS), Pamukkale University, July 2019, Denizli.
- Time Series Econometrics
- Panel Data Econometrics
- Seminer on Panel Data Estimation Methods, Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, April 2019, Gazimagusa.
- A Review of Panel Data Estimation Methods
- Karadeniz Technical University, Econometrics Summer Seminars, August 2018, Trabzon.
- Panel Data Econometrics with Stata
- Training on Economic Modelling, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management– January 2018, London.
- Agricultural Policy Impact Models (Theory and Implementation)
- Sakarya University Econometrics Seminars, August 2017, Sakarya.
- Panel Data Econometrics with Stata
- Atilim University SAEL Workshops, 2013-2019, Ankara.
- Basic Econometrics with Stata
- Time Series Applications with Stata
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- Panel Data Applications with Stata
- Advanced Panel Data Applications with Stata
- Ministry of Development – Econometrics Seminers
- Basic Statistics
- Basic Econometrics
- Time Series Analysis
- Advanced Time Series Analysis
- Panel Data Analysis
- Advanced Panel Data Analysis
CGE Course 1
Date: 9-10 November 2024

CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Basic (Simple) Model
CGE Course 2
Date: will be announced
CGE2. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Standard Model
- Online (Zoom)
- Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45
- GAMS Release 47.0.2 rofficial license (1 week)
- Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student).
- Participation certificates will be provided.
- Click here for the Course Program.
- Registration Form (see the form for course fee)
- Payment by Bank Transfer
- Payment by Credit Card
CGE Course 3
Date: will be announced

CGE3. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Simulations with the Standard Model
- Online (Zoom)
- Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45
- GAMS Release 47.0.2 official license (1 week)
- Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student).
- Participation certificates will be provided.
- Click here for the Course Program.
- Registration Form (see the form for course fee)
- Payment by Bank Transfer
- Payment by Credit Card
CGE Course 4
Date: will be announced

CGE4. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Two-Country & Different Market Structures
- Online (Zoom)
- Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45
- GAMS Release 47.0.2 official license (1 week)
- Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student).
- Participation certificates will be provided.
- Click here for the Course Program.
- Registration Form (see the form for course fee)
- Payment by Bank Transfer
- Payment by Credit Card