Eruygur Academy and Consulting


Eruygur Academy and Consulting is an institution founded by Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur in Ankara, Turkey. It offers courses and consulting services, particularly in the fields of econometrics and economic modeling. Within this scope, both Turkish and English training sessions are organized. 

The Turkish courses that have been offered for over 15 years can be categorized under the following titles (see "Courses in Turkish" page): (1) Stata Courses (data set courses, basic econometrics courses, time Series econometrics courses, panel data econometrics courses, impact analysis courses), (2) R Courses (basic econometrics courses, time Series econometrics courses, panel data econometrics courses, microeconometrics courses), (3) Eviews Courses (basic econometrics courses, time Series econometrics courses, panel data econometrics courses), (4) GAMS Courses (firm/explaoitation level modelling, agricultural sector models, CGE models, global trade models).

The English courses planned to be offered at the academy in the upcoming term are as follows (see "Courses in English" page): (1) CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Simple Model, (2) CGE2. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Standard Model, (3) CGE3. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Simulations with the Standard Model, and (4) CGE4. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Two-Country & Different Market Structures.

As part of the English courses, it is planned to start econometrics courses with Stata and R in the subsequent term.


Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur


Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur was born in Kütahya in 1974. Between 1985 and 1992, he studied at Ankara Anadolu High School (in French). In 1992, he enrolled in the Economics Department at METU and graduated from the same department in 1997. In the same year, he started working as a Research Assistant in the same department (a position he held until 2005). He received master's degrees from both the METU Economics Department and CIHEAM/IAMM (France) in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Between 2005 and 2006, he worked as a Researcher in the European Projects Office at METU. In 2006, he completed his PhD in Economics at METU.

After completing his military service, he started working as an Assistant Professor (Dr. Lecturer) in the Economics Department at Gazi University in 2008. He received his associate professorship from the Higher Education Council (YÖK) in 2011. He became a professor in 2017. In July 2018, the Gazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences was renamed to Ankara Haci Bayram Veli (AHBV) University.

He has taught courses in econometrics, statistics, mathematical economic models, operations research, growth theories, introduction to economics, general equilibrium models, and microeconomics at AHBV University (formerly Gazi University), Middle East Technical University (METU), Bilkent University, Hacettepe University, TED UniversityOstim Technical University, Cankaya University, Baskent University, Atilim University, and Ahmet Yesevi University.

Additionally, he has provided numerous training sessions in time series econometrics, panel data econometrics, impact analysis, microeconometrics, and economic modeling at significant institutions such as the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye (CBRT), the T.C. Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Strategy and Budget Department (SBB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Türkiye Is Bankasi, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) Members Association (TÜMDER)Atilim University (SAEL), Pamukkale University, Karadeniz Technical University, Sakarya UniversityEastern Mediterranean University (EMU), and EconLab Modeling School (ECONLAB).

He has numerous publications and presented papers in the fields of time series econometrics, panel data econometrics, entropy econometrics, economic modeling, banking sector, agricultural sector models, microeconomics, and general econometrics.

Prof. Dr. Ozan Eruygur is the raporter of the Special Expertise Commission on Efficiency in Agricultural Structure and Food Security for the 10th Development Plan (2014-2018) of Türkiye.

He is currently a faculty member in the Economics Department at Ankara Haci Bayram Veli (AHBV) University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (formerly Gazi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics Department). 


CGE Course 1

Date: 9-10 November 2024


CGE1. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Basic (Simple) Model


CGE Course 2

Date: will be announced


CGE2. Introduction to CGE Modelling with GAMS: Standard Model

  • Online (Zoom)
  • Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45
  • GAMS Release 47.0.2 rofficial license (1 week)
  • Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student).
  • Participation certificates will be provided.
  • Click here for the Course Program.
  • Registration Form (see the form for course fee)
  • Payment by Bank Transfer
  • Payment by Credit Card



CGE Course 3

Date: will be announced


CGE3. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Simulations with the Standard Model

  • Online (Zoom)
  • Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45
  • GAMS Release 47.0.2 official license (1 week)
  • Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student).
  • Participation certificates will be provided.
  • Click here for the Course Program.
  • Registration Form (see the form for course fee)
  • Payment by Bank Transfer
  • Payment by Credit Card


CGE Course 4

Date: will be announced


CGE4. CGE Modeling with GAMS: Two-Country & Different Market Structures

  • Online (Zoom)
  • Sat-Sun: 10.00-16.45
  • GAMS Release 47.0.2 official license (1 week)
  • Interactive consultancy sessions (10 min. per student).
  • Participation certificates will be provided.
  • Click here for the Course Program.
  • Registration Form (see the form for course fee)
  • Payment by Bank Transfer
  • Payment by Credit Card

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